
(datord125) #1

"I can't just exist in this time, sir. I'm... I know what's happening out there right
now. I know war is coming," she explained with a heavy heart.
"There are rumours." He gave a slight nod, refusing to give any more details to her
than she was giving to him.
"Muggle-borns are being attacked," she stated, watching his face as he seemed to
acknowledge the statement and agree. "Viciously. I'm a Muggle-born, sir. I can't just fall
from the sky into this time and attempt to live without drawing attention to myself. I'm
frankly not thrilled about the idea of coming face to face with Death Eaters." Again.
He smiled at her. "I have a suggestion. How would you like to return to Hogwarts?"
"I'm eighteen, sir, well... nineteen now. Today is my birthday. Or was. It was the
nineteenth of September when I left." She sighed in disappointment as she remembered it
had been close to midnight. The day after her birthday. She and Sirius were supposed to
Hermione frowned. Damn you, Remus Lupin.
"Well, many happy returns to you, Miss Granger," Dumbledore said with such a
genuine voice that it made her smile sadly. "Now, as I was saying, you've already crossed
the boundaries of time, why not push the line a little further? I have, in my possession, a
very rare De-Ageing Potion. It was a gift from a friend on my one-hundredth birthday. I've
only kept it for emergencies. Every few years, I see a student or two attempt to age
themselves in order to sneak into Hogsmeade to purchase firewhisky. The spell is rarely
effective, and the hospital wing is often a refuge for a couple of elderly third years.
Normally, we can de-age them with charm work, but I've always been worried that a
student might accidentally go a little too far. Sometimes, a potion does the trick. I suggest
that you take this potion and become a student here at Hogwarts once again. I believe it is
the safest place for a Muggle-born, as you say."
She remembered seeing the work of an Ageing Potion; though Fred and George had
not used it to purchase firewhisky. They had the Marauder's Map for that. No, the twins
had used an Ageing Potion in order to try and wiggle their way into the Triwizard
Tournament. A plan that backfired badly and left them in the hospital wing until they
returned to their sixteen-year-old, beardless selves.

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