
(datord125) #1

"How young?" She hated admitting defeat, but Remus had clearly left her no
options in this awful situation, and without knowing a way home, she needed to make a
plan to secure her own safety.
"I would suggest eleven. You will return to the school in one month to be sorted
along with the new students. You would then not stand out or draw unwanted attention to
It made sense. Bringing her in any older would draw attention. Hogwarts had not
had a transfer student in over a century. She would be as easy to pick out in a crowd as
Harry had been, and she knew how big of a target that had made him.
"Would I be able to stay inside the school year-round? I would stand out during
holidays. I've no family here, sir."
"Then we should find you one. Perhaps a good pureblood family. We could then
further alleviate your worries about being recognised as a Muggle-born."
"I can't say I'm familiar with any good pureblood families, sir," Hermione snapped
in reply.
"Luckily, I am." He beamed, his attention suddenly drawn to her hands. "That is a
beautiful bracelet, Miss Granger. I am familiar with the words. Are you acquainted with
the Potter family?"
Hermione held back her snort. "You could say that."
"And do you trust them?"
She frowned as she thought of Harry. Harry who had saved her life. Harry, who
called her his sister. "They are.. ."
"Family?" Dumbledore offered.
"Yes," Hermione confirmed immediately. "But not... I'm sorry, sir." She frowned
as wayward tears began to escape from the corners of her eyes. Would she ever see her
best friend again?
"Nothing to apologise for, my dear." He offered her a handkerchief, and she smiled
gratefully as she took it. "May I suggest a trip to the hospital wing? Perhaps a short rest will
"Thank you, sir."
He reached his hand into a drawer after waving the Elder Wand to unlock it.
Removing a small, red phial, Dumbledore smiled. "Here is the potion we discussed. If you

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