
(datord125) #1

She quickly followed him through, staying a few steps behind him as the pair walked
back to his office in silence.
The headmaster approached the fireplace, reaching for the powder on the mantle.
"Here you are, my dear. Now, I've already explained a bit of your arrival to the family taking
you in. They only know that you are a Muggle-born in need of great protection and that
your family is no longer with us," he explained as he placed the powder in her small, open
palm. "They've been kind enough not to ask any further questions, though I might have
insisted upon it regardless. I promise you, they can be trusted with your life."
"I appreciate you putting such a great deal of effort into securing this for me, sir."
Hermione smiled at the old wizard and stood back, allowing him to step forward into the
large fireplace. She sighed as she looked at it, remembering that only four months ago she
had been coming through that particular entrance, breaking into the school, alongside
Sirius, Harry, Ron, and Draco.
"Listen carefully, and follow just behind me." Dumbledore tossed the Floo powder
down, spoke a clear, "Potter Manor!" and vanished in green flames.
Hermione gasped. "Potter?" She knew she should not have been surprised,
considering Dumbledore had brought the Potters up before, but to know that she was
about to enter the home of Harry's relatives caused anxiety to creep up inside of her.
She summoned her Gryffindor courage and stepped into the fireplace. "Potter
Hermione let out a gasp as she exited a massive fireplace, her eyes adjusting as she
looked around a giant drawing room that rivalled that of Malfoy Manor. She had heard and
said the word manor, but she could not wrap her head around it until now. It made sense,
of course; Harry's ancestors were purebloods until his father married Lily Evans and moved
to the cottage in Godric's Hollow.
Unlike the vast, chilled space that was the pristine Malfoy Manor, Potter Manor gave
a much warmer impression. It was as if someone had put an Enlarging Charm on the
Gryffindor common room; the large array of windows surrounding the circular room were
draped in deep crimson crushed velvet curtains with gold lining, the furniture was made of
polished dark oak, and the soft-looking armchairs and sofas were covered with pillows in
a variety of soothing colours.

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