
(datord125) #1

She wiped a tear from her eye, trying to push the memory of receiving it the first
time out of her mind. Instead, she focused on committing this moment to memory. "Thank
you, Professor. For everything."
"I look forward to seeing you again at Hogwarts in one month's time, my dear girl.
Charlus, Dorea, I hope to see you both more often."
"Hopefully not too often," Dorea said in a teasing tone. "I'd rather not receive letters
from the Headmaster of Hogwarts. I imagine it will usually be bad news."
Dumbledore shook Charlus's hand and then accepted a chaste kiss to the cheek
from Dorea. He gave one last smile to Hermione before stepping back into the fireplace
and vanishing in a burst of green flames.
Dorea turned immediately to Hermione with a sweet but energetic smile. "Now,
Albus explained that you've had quite the rough night. We won't pry, promise," she said to
Hermione's relief. "But the hour is late, and I insist we all get a good night's rest and start
fresh and early tomorrow." She clasped her hands together as if she were already planning
out a day full of activities, something that made Hermione slightly anxious.
"Tilly!" Dorea called, and, with a soft pop, a small, spritely house-elf appeared in
front of the Potters and Hermione.
Hermione paled at the sight of the house-elf and took in a sharp breath. No.
Absolutely not! She was not being adopted into a pureblood family that enslaved house-elves!
"A Young Miss?" The little elf looked up at Hermione with large, expressive eyes
the colour of the sky on the brightest day in summer. The creature smiled up at her,
jumping up and down with the excitement of a Weasley on Christmas morning, turning
and grinning at Dorea and Charlus as though they had just gifted her something precious.
"Tilly is so excited! Tilly has wanted to care for a Young Miss. Not that Tilly doesn't love
the Young Master."
Charlus chuckled affectionately. "Be careful, Tilly; you don't want to play favourites
"Tilly does as Tilly does," the house-elf said with what sounded like a tone of
humouring defiance. Hermione nearly choked as Charlus let out a loud laugh.
Dorea rolled her eyes. "Hermione, this is Tilly. She'll take you to your room. Be
careful, or she's certain to go overboard and start dressing you up like a doll. And don't let
her spoil you."

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