
(datord125) #1

Hermione gathered that his parents had informed him of her apparent adoption.
She was shocked to see that he was reacting quite well to the news.
"When's your birthday?" she asked.
"Twenty-seventh of March."
"Well, mine's the nineteenth of September, so technically I'm older than
you... little brother," she teased.
Unaffected by her news whatsoever, James shrugged as he sat up a bit. "Technically,
Mum said that we're telling everyone you're my twin sister. And I'm insisting that I was
born first. After all, I was here first." He tossed his head back confidently—nearly smacking
it into the headboard—as though he already had won the argument.
"Twins?" She raised a brow. "We don't look a thing alike."
"That's your issue?" James snorted loudly. "Considering that I woke up this morning
to my parents telling me I had a brand new twin sister, and 'Oh, don't tell anyone that
Albus Dumbledore dropped her off,' I think I'm handling this pretty well.
And your problem is that we don't look alike? But hey, if you don't want a brother, fine.
Not like I'm heartbroken or anything," he said, feigning a pout.
"No, I'm... I'd like a brother," she said, the words bringing a hint of pain with
them as she thought about Harry. Harry was gone, but James—Harry's father—looked so
much like him. It hurt to stare at him for too long.
James, noticing her shift in mood, frowned and paused a moment before reaching
across the bed, yanking on a lock of her hair.
"Ow!" Hermione snapped, narrowing her eyes at him. "What was that for?"
"Well, we're siblings now, and I feel like I've missed out on some really good pigtail-
pulling years with my sister."
She glared and rubbed the sore spot on the side of her head. "Remember that when
I hex that mop of hair off your head."
"Can't hex me without a wand. And by next week I'm sure you'll have gotten over
it. I have a very forgivable face. Mum says so."
He was incredibly arrogant, and Hermione chuckled at his confidence.
"What's next week?"
James beamed with excitement. "We're all going to Diagon Alley to get our wands
and stuff for Hogwarts."

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