
(datord125) #1

wasn't very forthcoming about the details, just that there was a young lady who needed a
"I'd always wanted a little girl," Dorea admitted with a gleam in her eye, and
Hermione was overwhelmed by their instant acceptance of her.
James scoffed. "Thanks, Mum."
Charlus smirked at the boy. "Eat your breakfast, son."
"Albus left some parchments for us to sign and send to the Records Division at the
Ministry in order to officially make you Hermione Potter," Dorea explained as she sipped
at her morning tea.
"Mia," James blurted out, after swallowing a mouthful of porridge.
"What's that?" Charlus looked up from his morning paper.
"Her name's Mia."
"I hate nicknames," Hermione repeated, narrowing her eyes at James.
Dorea beamed at the two children. "I think it's cute. Mia is a lovely name," she said
to Hermione.
"If you'd like, we will still call you Hermione," Charlus assured her.
"I'm not going to." James shrugged as he placed half the dish of sausages onto his
plate. "She's Mia now."
"Fine." Hermione teasingly glared at him. "... Jamie."
"Well, that's.. ." James frowned, rolling the name over and over in his head before
nodding. "Actually, I think I quite like it."
Hermione bristled.
"I'm glad you two are already getting along. If you have need of anything, Hermione,
please just let us know," Dorea insisted.
"Thank you, Mrs, err... Mum." Hermione swallowed, the word sounding artificial
in her mouth. "I think I'm okay right now. Just adjusting, I suppose. It's been a strange few
days," she admitted quietly, letting her previous polite smile fall from her face.
"No frowning now," Dorea said immediately. "I know you have had some
hardships lately, but we're Potters, and we push on. You take what happens, learn from it,
and bravely move forward."
"Courage and Craft," Hermione whispered.
Impressed, Charlus said, "House words."

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