
(datord125) #1
Chapter Nineteen

Are You Serious?

'Cause it's you and me and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you
(You and Me – Lifehouse)

August 3rd, 1971

Mia woke up the following morning on the right side of her bed next to Jamie, who
was using their tightly clasped hands as a pillow under his cheek. She smiled sadly, staring
at the boy who looked so much like Harry that her heart ached. Then again, most things
hurt these days. She'd had nightmares constantly since the war—since Malfoy Manor really.
She had spent a month at Shell Cottage recovering from her run-in with Bellatrix Lestrange
where Sirius kept watch over her while she slept, guarding her against the night terrors that
plagued her. When she had moved into Grimmauld Place where the memories continued
to haunt her sleep, Sirius would be there to comfort her—more than likely feeling
responsible since it was his cousin who had tortured her. But when Sirius was not there, it
was Harry who would hold her until she stopped crying and fell back asleep.
Regarding James now with his eyes closed, she could not help but see the son in the
father, and it warmed her heart to think that somehow fate had smiled and given her a
piece of Harry to keep with her in this time.
James was abundantly kind about the situation, and instead of asking Mia questions
about her nightmares, or even bringing up the fact that he'd had to stay with her through
the night, he teased her about her hair and began enthusiastically planning the rest of their
day trip to Diagon Alley.
Much like the morning before, they had breakfast as a family—the conversation
littered with many warnings about wandering off. Most of these were directed at James,
who appeared to be oblivious to his mother's stern gaze.
When they stepped into the Floo, arriving in Diagon Alley seconds later, Mia smiled
at the familiar sights.

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