
(datord125) #1

"She should watch where she's going," the sour-faced boy said, glaring daggers at
James as the two faced off.
"Severus! Get over here!" the gaunt woman yelled.
James scowled at the offending stranger. "Sounds like Mummy's calling you."
Mia sniffed and looked down at her bleeding knee. It certainly was not the worst
injury she had ever had to deal with, and she almost laughed at the sting of the cut
compared to the Cruciatus Curse or the feeling of being splinched. No, this was nothing,
though she was slightly embarrassed by tripping so easily.
As James continued stalking after the other boy, presumably to make sure he did
not double back for another round, a shadow fell over Mia from behind.
"Hey, you okay? That looked like a bad tumble."
"I'm fine," Mia grumbled as she tried to pick a few bits of gravel out of the minor
wound on her leg.
She turned her attention upward to thank the person for being considerate, but
when she went to speak, her mouth fell open as she stared up into a colour of grey that she
was intimately familiar with and instantly set her heart aflutter: the colour of campfire
smoke on an early autumn morning. Her breath caught in her throat.
"I.. ." She exhaled slowly and unconsciously whispered, "Sirius?"
The boy in front of her quirked an eyebrow, and a smile crossed his face. "Have we
Mia blinked. "What?"
"You called me Sirius."
"What?" she repeated, silently scolding herself for being so easily distracted that she
broke one of the main rules of time travel. Cringing, she sought out an excuse to cover her
tracks. "No. I said are you serious? A bad tumble. Are you serious? I've had worse."
The boy pondered her answer as though he were trying to decide whether or not
she was lying. "Huh."
Mia swallowed and decided to go for casual. "Why did you think we'd met?"
"My name is Sirius," he said with a wink.
She laughed. "Are you serious?"
He grinned, and Mia melted.

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