
(datord125) #1

Sirius laughed awkwardly and sighed. His smile completely faded from sight as he
muttered, "Not like I have a choice."
"Sirius Orion Black!"
Mia's eyes widened at the familiar sound of Walburga Black, and she spun to see
the horrible witch across the street, alive and in the flesh. It was more than a little
uncomfortable to see the woman in front of her and not be able to cover her up with
curtains after spending months inside Grimmauld Place being screamed at by her portrait.
Walburga Black never hesitated to call her a "filthy Mudblood who was tainting the Ancient
and Noble House" by stepping foot inside.
The wretched woman glared down at Sirius as she stormed across the street,
ignoring James and Mia entirely. "Did I not tell you to stay by your brother?"
"What for? He hasn't let go of your skirt all morning." Sirius eyed the smaller boy
who was, in fact, holding onto Walburga's hideous black dress with a tight fist.
His grey eyes, so similar to Sirius's, were small and wide as he looked nervously
between his mother and brother. Mia held her breath at the sight of him—Regulus Black—
remembering the grief in her Sirius's eyes when he spoke of his brother's death.
This younger version of Sirius did not look overburdened with grief. Instead, he
appeared to be fuming with rebellious anger. "You probably didn't even realise I was gone
until you looked for him."
"You watch your mouth, you little―" Walburga raised her hand, clearly having no
qualms about striking her own child in the very public square of Diagon Alley.
Sirius, defiant as ever, did not even flinch.
Mia, however, felt like reaching for her wand to defend Sirius, only to remember
she no longer had a wand.
"Walburga," Dorea interrupted as she glided over, approaching the scene. For as
calm as she sounded, her eyes were cold and hard as she stepped between Walburga and
Sirius, forcing him back to stand side-by-side with James and Mia.
Walburga glared, lowering her hand. "Aunt Dorea."
Dorea looked over Walburga as if assessing her. "It's been a long time."
"Not. Long. Enough," Walburga seethed.
Lifting a slender brow at the childish antics, Dorea looked away dismissively. "Still
just as dramatic as ever, I see."

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