
(datord125) #1

Evenings were spent enjoying dinner together, listening to their parents tell stories,
playing Exploding Snap or wizard's chess, and eventually, rushing off to bed to escape the
grip of the overbearing house-elf who had apparently made a game of trying to tuck the
young Potter children into bed. While James normally enjoyed being doted upon, he had
seen the amused and proud expression on his sister's face when she had properly evaded
Tilly, and he quickly decided to join in on the fun—much to Tilly's annoyance.
It was only the nights that made Mia's life difficult.
She had refused to let her parents know about her nightmares, not wanting to
frighten them or let them see how utterly broken she was. Thankfully, James was always
there, sneaking into her room and crawling into her bed an hour or two after they separated
into their own suites. He would take her hand into his own, utter promises of protection,
and the siblings would fall soundlessly asleep.
Life was strangely good here, and Mia was adjusting well, reading Remus's letter
each night before bed to remind herself of her rules.
Live your life. Enjoy your life.
Dorea looked to her children, tears welling in her eyes. James immediately showed
his soft side by hugging his mother tightly around the waist and not making a fuss as she
affectionately tried to flatten down his black hair that was standing up in several different
directions in the back. "Be sure to write to us after the Sorting."
"When you get sorted into Gryffindor," Charlus added with a chuckle.
Dorea stared at her husband. "Or Slytherin."
"Anywhere's just fine."
Both Mia and James chuckled at the way that their mother crossed her arms over
her chest before mumbling something derogatory under her breath that ended with, "...
as if children of mine would be Hufflepuffs."
Charlus patted James on the shoulder once before bringing the boy into a tight hug.
After releasing his son, he reached a long arm out for his daughter, pulling her in as well.
"Go on then, you'll want a good seat."
"Hey, isn't that Sirius?" James asked.
Mia turned out of Charlus's embrace to follow after her brother, spotting the Black
family off to the side—consisting of Walburga Black, a pouting Regulus, a tall man with a
fixed sneer on his face that could only be Orion Black, and an utterly annoyed and

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