
(datord125) #1

No. Mia would not be overly kind to the boy who would grow into the traitorous
It was then that she remembered her first ride on the Hogwarts Express when she
had accidentally created a bit of resentment between herself and Ron. This time, she
decided to do it on purpose. Pausing in the door, she stared at Peter, and muttered, "You've
got dirt on your nose, by the way, did you know?"

A few minutes later, the train slowed right down and finally stopped. People pushed
their way toward the door and out onto a tiny, dark platform. A lamp came bobbing over
the heads of the students, and Mia heard a familiar voice: "First years! First years over
here!" Her smile brightened at the sight of Hagrid. "C'mon, follow me—any more first
years? Mind yer step, now! First years follow me!"
Mia reached for her boys, tugging them along into a row to keep them close. She
purposely kept Peter at bay as she moved ahead, linking her arm with James's as the
students began walking behind the half-giant.
Hagrid led them through the darkness, separating the first years from the rest of the
students who were entering large carriages drawn by thestrals. "You'll get your first sight
of Hogwarts in a sec," he called over his shoulder. "Just round this bend here."
The narrow path had opened suddenly onto the edge of a great black lake. Perched
atop a high mountain on the other side, its windows sparkling in the starry sky, was a vast
castle with many turrets and towers.
"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid said, pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in
the water by the shore.
James and Sirius raced to get into a boat first, and James grinned as he won, claiming
himself captain in the process. Mia reached for Remus's hand, and he politely held it to
help her climb in, following swiftly behind her.
"Sorry, Pete." Sirius looked back at the boy with a shrug. "We'll see you on the other
side of the lake, mate."

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