
(datord125) #1

"I'm nervous." Remus swallowed, staring at the stool with a look of trepidation as
his turn to be sorted grew closer. "That's not very courageous of me, is it? I shouldn't even
be here."
Mia laced her fingers through his, offering a gentle squeeze of encouragement. "'It
takes a great deal of courage to see the world in all its tainted glory, and still to love it.'"
Remus looked back at her and smiled, surprised. "Oscar Wilde. You read Muggle
"I do. But he was actually a wizard."
"Really?" Remus asked excitedly.
"Lupin, Remus!" Professor McGonagall called out, and Remus turned, making his
way toward the stool, taking a seat as the hat was placed on his head.
The Hat barely even touched him before it shouted out, "GRYFFINDOR!" and
the large table of lions roared with cheers, none louder than Sirius who eagerly welcomed
his new friend to the table. Mia applauded with everyone else, smiling brightly at Remus.
"Macdonald, Mary" followed Remus into Gryffindor, and soon after, a familiar head
of straggly, waist-length, dirty-blond hair called "Maestro, Pandora" was sent to Ravenclaw.
Despite knowing the outcome, when "Pettigrew, Peter" was called forward, Mia
prayed to Merlin that he would be sent to Slytherin or even Hufflepuff—or better yet, home.
But Peter joined Sirius and Remus at the table with a smile, and Mia frowned.
"Care to wager how long it takes the hat to stick me in Gryffindor?" James asked
with a grin, practically vibrating with excited anticipation.
Mia laughed at her brother. "Something tells me it'll be instantaneous."
James grinned smugly. "Bloody right."
"Potter, James!"
In record time—Mia was not even sure the brim came close to James's head—the
hat cried out, "GRYFFINDOR!"
She smiled, watching as her brother darted down the steps and rushed into the
applause that fuelled him, turning back to grin up at her.
"Of course," came a bitter voice from behind her.
Mia turned and peered at Severus Snape, who had his arms folded over his chest
whilst he glowered at the Gryffindor table. "There's nothing wrong with Gryffindor."
Snape scowled at her. "Says another future little lion."

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