
(datord125) #1

Her eyes widened as she caught on to what the hat was insinuating. Don't. You. Dare.
I do know where you are kept. Might be a little sad if you're too close to Fawkes when Burning Day
"Was that a threat? How very daring of you, Miss... Potter."
Yes. Daring! And very brave of me, if I do say so myself.
"Better be.... GRYFFINDOR!"
Mia let out a long sigh of relief, and she rushed away from the hat, still shocked that
she had almost ended up in Slytherin this time around. Draco would faint if she ever got
the chance to tell him.
She ran into a hug from James that awaited her at the Gryffindor table where her
fellow lions were applauding her wildly. Taking a seat beside Remus, she stared across from
her where Lily Evans gazed up at the Sorting Hat as "Snape, Severus" was placed in
Lily lowered her gaze sadly to the table.
Mia glanced up to watch Snape slowly make his way to Slytherin; an empty space
was made beside Lucius Malfoy, who patted him on the back in congratulations.
Eventually, the final students were called to be sorted, "Shingleton, Gaspard" went
to Gryffindor, "Stebbins, Rikard" was placed in Ravenclaw, "Tuft, William" joined the
Gryffindor table, and a beautiful "Zabini, Elora" fell swiftly into Slytherin.
Albus Dumbledore had gotten to his feet. He was beaming at the students, his arms
opened wide, as if nothing could have pleased him more than to see them all there.
"Welcome! Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would
like to say a few words. And here they are: Zowzy! Biggly! Gimble! Bazinga!"
The students chuckled, save for the Slytherins who all irritably rolled their eyes and
Dumbledore—clearly unaffected by the attitudes of the Slytherin students—
continued his speech. "A large welcome to all new students. May you find Hogwarts to be
your home and sanctuary, a place of safety and familiarity in a world that can otherwise
often prove strange and unfamiliar. Though, I will not deny that Hogwarts can be strange
indeed. Now, before we send you off to bed, tuck in, and enjoy this wonderful feast!"

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