
(datord125) #1

The golden plates in front of them were suddenly piled with food: roast beef, roast
chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled potatoes, roast
potatoes, chips, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, and gravy.
Everyone immediately dove in, loading up their plates.
Mia had spent years at this table eating many meals, generally surrounded by Harry
and Ron who often choked on bites and made messes. She groaned, unable to think about
dealing with that again as she looked over at Remus, James, and Sirius—all who were
keeping themselves miraculously clean as they ate.
She gaped at the sight. "Merlin, the three of you actually have table manners?" Of
course, she knew that James did, though she had worried he would somehow turn into a
pig once around boys his own age.
Sirius eyed her curiously. "What did you expect?"
"From eleven-year-old boys?" Mia asked, laughing. "I expected you to be shovelling
your plates down your throats by the truckload."
"Glad to surprise you?" Remus asked, the look on his face telling her he was trying
to decide whether or not to be offended by her assumptions.
"Peter, wipe your face, mate," James called down the table. "You're lowering the
bar we've apparently raised for ourselves."
Between bites, the boys quickly began discussing Quidditch, and even Remus joined
in, tossing a smirk to Mia before speaking, clearly finding it humorous that she had assumed
he did not like the sport simply because he loved books as much as she did.
Ignoring their conversation, Mia gazed across the table where the redhead in front
of her picked sadly at her food. "Hi. I'm Mia Potter."
The girl gazed up, and her bright green eyes sparkled. The colour made Mia's breath
hitch in her throat as her heart desperately called out for her best friend, for Harry.
"Lily Evans."
Mia collected herself and cleared her throat before speaking again. "I wanted to
apologise for my brother and my friend." She gestured to James and Sirius who, despite
having had manners five minutes ago, were now using their spoons to launch peas into one
another's open mouths. They had surprisingly good aim.

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