The Perfect 10 Diet_ 10 Key Hormones That Hold the Secret to Losing Weight and Feeling Great-Fast! ( PDFDrive )

(Andrews555) #1
examination and lab work    indicated   that    he  suffered    from    the metabolic
syndrome, a disease of insulin resistance. His fasting insulin level was at
60, which is way too high.
I sat down with Mark and took an extensive dietary history. Mark told me
that he had followed a low-fat and high-carbohydrate diet all his life. His
weight constantly fluctuated, but it would always creep back up—no matter
how vigilant he was.
Each morning, Mark ate cereal with fatfree milk and drank orange juice
for breakfast. A typical lunch was usually a grilled chicken sandwich on
white bread with fatfree mayonnaise, lettuce, and tomato, and a side order
of a baked potato. He snacked on fatfree yogurts and pretzels. For dinner,
he frequently ate pasta, a staple of his Italian background.
Mark’s diet certainly followed the vague low-fat dietary guidelines we’re
all encouraged to follow, but I quickly realized that he ate practically
nothing but sugar. Mark was shocked when I told him that following a
highfat and low-carbohydrate diet, a balanced diet, was the only way to
improve his deteriorating health. I explained to Mark that the abundance of
sugar and lack of natural fat in his diet were causing his health problems.
Desperate to feel better and lose weight, Mark began following the
Perfect 10 Diet. Within ten months, he was down to 170 pounds, his
headaches were gone, and his blood pressure, cholesterol, and insulin had
all returned to normal levels. Mark reports that he’s never felt better.
Like me at one time, and most other Americans, Mark was being
poisoned by the massive amounts of processed food, sugar, refined
carbohydrates, and low-fat products he ate.

A   Typical Day on  the Perfect 10  Diet
BREAKFAST: Arugula Omelet with Rye Toast and 1 Apple
LUNCH: Grilled Chicken Salad with Extra-Virgin Olive Oil and
Unsweetened Lemonade
DINNER: Grilled Salmon with Broccoli

Roberta’ s Story
Roberta is a 32-year-old event planner. She is a statuesque 5 feet, 9
inches tall, but overweight at 205 pounds. Since her divorce 2 years ago,
she turned to food for emotional support. Roberta is eager to lose weight

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