The Perfect 10 Diet_ 10 Key Hormones That Hold the Secret to Losing Weight and Feeling Great-Fast! ( PDFDrive )

(Andrews555) #1

fruits, whole grains, foods containing natural fats, and fish.

FOODS THAT DISTURB LEPTIN INCLUDE:low-fat foods, refined carbs,
sugar, sweets, and foods containing trans fats.


SOURCE: Thyroid gland
NORMAL LEVELS: Total T3 for adults 60 to 181ng/dL, total T4 for adults
4.5 to 12 mcg (micrograms)/dL
FUNCTION: Energy and metabolism

A discussion about metabolism must include the thyroid gland, one of the largest
endocrine glands in the body. This gland is found in the neck just below the
thyroid cartilage (known as the Adam’s apple in men), and it is controlled by the
brain’s hypothalamus and pituitary.
The thyroid gland produces two types of hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and
thyroxine (T4). The “3” and “4” refer to the number of iodine molecules in each
thyroid hormone molecule. Eighty percent of thyroid hormone is T4, and 20
percent is T3, the active part of the thyroid hormone. An underactive thyroid
makes your metabolism slow to a crawl, which can make you gain weight even
if you don’t eat much.
Thyroid hormone has actions beyond metabolism and keeping you fit: it
provides energy, improves thinking abilities, boosts the immune system against
infections and cancer, decreases bad cholesterol, and lowers blood pressure.
Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) and hypothyroidism (underactive
thyroid) are the most common problems of the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism
occurs when your thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone. It’s
estimated that about 25 million Americans have an underactive thyroid.
Sufferers have an excessive slowdown in metabolism, low body temperature,
fatigue, slow heartbeat, high triglyceride levels, dry skin and hair, hair loss,
menstrual problems, depression, memory disturbances, and weight gain. Are you
getting the picture? Thyroid hormone is involved in everything.
Hyperthyroidism can lead to bulging eyes, unhealthy weight loss, and even
mania. But The Perfect 10 Diet is a diet book not a medical textbook, so let’s
concentrate on the dietary factors that can cause you to develop an underactive
thyroid, and lead you on an uphill battle with weight. Why does hypothyroidism
occur? Actually, it’s an autoimmune disease, which means the body attacks the
thyroid gland and you end up making less thyroid hormone. But how does this

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