The Perfect 10 Diet_ 10 Key Hormones That Hold the Secret to Losing Weight and Feeling Great-Fast! ( PDFDrive )

(Andrews555) #1

Everyone knows that testosterone is the essence of maleness. Yes, testosterone
makes men masculine, but testosterone is also present in small amounts in
women, and aids libido in both genders. For years, the medical community has
sent the message to men that testosterone is bad because it leads to heart disease
and prostate cancer. That’s simply not true. On the Perfect 10 Diet testosterone is
positively worshipped. In men, adequate testosterone levels prevent heart
disease, and testosterone has no link whatsoever to prostate cancer.
The male ideal is wide shoulders, a muscular chest and arms, a narrow waist,
and strong legs. Well, let me tell you something man-to-man: you can’t attain
that ideal unless you eat foods that support this important hormone, such as
animal products and cholesterolrich foods. And testosterone is not just a sex
hormone—it’s a total body hormone. In adult males, testosterone is necessary to
maintain muscle mass and strength, bone mass, normal hair growth, libido, and
sperm production. It also keeps us fit and lean.
If you are a man interested in looking his best, I feel for you. Many experts
with impressive credentials have steered you away from the foods you enjoy.
The food industry has convinced you that in order to lose fat, you have to eat
their processed products. As a result, you’ve gotten out of shape, weak, and
perhaps even sick.
As a result of 40 years of the low-fat dogma, the average U.S. man is more out
of shape than his 1960s predecessor. Low-fat diets lower testosterone, make it
harder for you to build muscle, and make it easier for you to gain fat. In the
1980s the average testosterone level in men was around 600; now it’s closer to

  1. Insecticides, hormones in animal products, elimination of natural fats from
    our diet, and excess sugar screwed up this important hormone. Also, cortisol, the
    stress hormone that promotes fat storage, is testosterone’s mortal enemy.
    If you want to look like a god, eat like a man. That means plenty of animal
    products, butter, egg yolks, and whole milk—not margarine, skim milk, or soy
    milk—to support your testosterone production. Don’t worry about making too
    much testosterone, because producing too much naturally is rarely a problem.
    Abuse of testosterone from unnatural sources, such as anabolic steroids, can lead
    to acne, oily skin, and decreased fertility.
    Do you have low testosterone levels? Are you taking Viagra to get an
    erection? Don’t despair—the Perfect 10 Diet will help you. Am I promising to
    transform you to one of those hulking figures on the cover of Muscle and Fitness
    magazine? Of course not. Those guys commit their lives to exercising regularly
    in order to look like Greek gods. But I do promise you will look your absolute
    best on the Perfect 10 Diet plan.

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