Southern Africa 132, see
also individual countries
South Korea 104, 213
South Pacific 130, 182, 199,
210, see also individual
Spain 114, 181
Sri Lanka 106, 107, 111, 112,
114, 121, 140, 158, 160, 165,
166, 168, 174, 180, 211
St Lucia 185
Sub-Saharan Africa
206, see also individual
Sudan 170
Suriname 176
Swaziland 107, 108, 139, 140
Sweden 172, 213
Syria 205
Taiwan 104
Tanzania 100, 101, 102, 104,
105, 106, 108, 110, 111, 114,
120, 124, 130, 140, 168, 171,
185, 188, 199, 204, 205
Thailand 100, 103, 107, 112,
114, 118, 121, 122, 124, 125,
131, 141, 142, 163, 166, 168,
169, 181, 186, 204, 210
Tibet 160
Tobago 106, 136
Togo 106
Tokelau 130
Tonga 112, 131
Trinidad 106
Turkey 177
Tuvalu 131
Uganda 101, 103, 104, 106,
107, 140, 185, 188, 210
UK 102, 104, 110, 121, 129,
134, 167, 175, 204, 206, 207,
213, see also individual
Ukraine 213
United Arab Emirates
(Dubai) 103
Uruguay 109
USA 99, 110, 111, 127, 129,
177, 199, 204, 213
Vanuatu 104, 112, 122, 130,
131, 186, 188
Venezuela 105, 118, 142
Vietnam 104, 112, 121, 122,
124, 130, 131, 142, 163, 168,
185, 186
Wales 134, 175
West Africa 211, see also
individual countries
Western Europe 206, see
also individual countries
Zambia 101, 108, 114, 122,
130, 139, 163, 205, 210
Zimbabwe 101, 114, 132, 141
2Way Development 182
Addventure VSA, Volunteer
Service Abroad (VSA) 123
Adventureworks 114
African Conservation
Experience 132
AFS Intercultural
Programmes – Community
Service Programme 118
AFS Intercultural
Programmes UK 98
AidCamps International 165
American Jewish World
Service (AJWS) 210
Amigos de las
Américas 109
Amizade 110
Aquila Tours Inc. 122
Archelon, The Sea Turtle
Protection Society of
Greece 138
ArtCorps 184
Asian Foundation for
Philanthropy 182
Asociacion Widecast 228
Association Iko Poran 157
Assumption Lay Volunteer
Programme 204
Australian Aid
International (AAI)
case study 146-7
Assumption Volunteer
Programme 204
Australian Business
Volunteers (ABV) 186
Australian Volunteers
International (AVI) 129
Australian Youth
Ambassadors for
Development (AYAD) 112
Azafady 133
Biosphere Expeditions 174
Blue Ventures 174
BMS World Mission 205
Brathay Exploration
Group 102
British Schools Exploring
Society 102
British Trust for Conservation
Volunteers (BTCV) 133
Buffalo Tours 124
BUNAC (British Universities
North America Club) 99
Cape Tribulation Tropical
Research Station 137
Casa Guatemala 160
Casas de la Esperanza 228
Centre for Alternative
Technology, The (CAT) 134
Centro de Estudios de
Español Pop Wuj 119
Challenges Worldwide
(CWW) 139
Changing Worlds 103
Children Walking Tall 157
Christian Aid 212
Christians Abroad 205
Church Mission Society
(CMS) 206
Concordia 187
Conservation Volunteers
Australia – World
Programmes 177
Coral Cay
Conservation (CCC) 134
Cross-Cultural Solutions 99
Cuba Solidarity Campaign
(CSC) 126
Cultural Destination
Nepal 162
Dakshinayan 158
Development in Action
(DiA) 165
Doctors of the World 143
Earthwatch Institute 171
Ecologia Youth Trust 169
Ecuador Volunteer
Foundation 184
Engineers Without Borders
Australia (EWB) 186
Epiphany Trust 166
Experiment in International
Living (EIL) 166
Frontiers Foundation 162
Fundación Jatun Sacha 177
Gap Year 212
Gap Year for
Grown Ups 127
Global Volunteers 111
Global Xchange 103
Go Differently Ltd 121
Golondrinas Foundation 180
Go Make A Difference (Go
MAD) 225
Greenforce 125, 132
Greenpeace 172
Habitat for Humanity
International 199
Hampy 228