lonely planet -volunteer abroad guide
01: InternatIonal VolunteerIng:
- an oVer VI ew
- Why Volunteer?
- Kinds of International Volunteering
- experIenCe 02: ChoosIng Your Volunteer
- Arranging a Worthwhile Placement
- Summary of Questions
- Do You Have What it Takes?
- More Information
- 03: the praCtIC al ItIes
- Application & Selection
- Raising the Money
- Preparation
- Airline Tickets
- Passports, Visas & Travel Insurance
- What to Pack
- Health & Hygiene
- Money
- Keeping in Touch
- If It All Goes Wrong
- Useful Websites
- 04: tYIng up loose ends
- Job
- Finances
- Taxation & National Insurance
- House
- Vehicle
- Partner & Children
- Power of Attorney
- Voting
- Technology & Communications
- Useful Websites
- programmes 05: organIsed Volunteer
- How Do They Work?
- Pros & Cons
- Programmes Major International Placement
- Options for the Under 30s
- Volunteering Plus
- An AYAD Tells Her Story
- Volunteering Holidays
- Volunteering as a Staff Member
- Development Placements
- Conservation & Wildlife Placements
- Memories of Maqui
- Skilled Volunteering
- Emergency & Relief
- An Emergency Relief Experience
- Volunteer programmes 06: struCtured & self-fundIng
- How Do They Work?
- Pros & Cons
- Development Placements
- Volunteering Unwrapped
- Conservation & Wildlife Placements
- Painted Lines
- Skilled Volunteering
- Options for the Under 30s
- Twelve Months in Uganda
- 07: rel IgIous organIsatIons
- How Do They Work?
- Pros & Cons
- Building Bridges
- Development Placements
- The Mother of Volunteering
- pla Cements 08: do-It-Yourself Volunteer
- for You? Is Do-It-Yourself Volunteering Right
- Pros & Cons of Going It Alone
- The Search Begins
- Placement Choosing a Mutually Beneficial
- Further Preparation
- Maximising Your Contribution
- Directories & Useful Organisations
- Grass-roots Charities & Non-profits
- Useful Websites
- Volunteering Adventure From Mongolia to Laos on a
- 09: ComIng home
- Leaving
- Reverse Culture Shock
- Settling Back In
- Next Steps
- CharItable projeCt 10: start Your own
- The Idea
- Go For It!
- Getting It Rolling
- A Healthy Dose
- Acknowledgements
- Index
- Destinations Index
- Organisations Index