lonely planet -volunteer abroad guide

(Nandana) #1

groups or Individuals: typically travel is solo or
in small teams of two or more, rarely in groups.
annual no. of Volunteers: 30
annual projects: 50
selection & Interview process: written
applications are followed by interview over
the phone. In-person interviews are required
under some circumstances. references must
be supplied.

operation smile, Inc.

6435 tidewater dr, norfolk, Va 23509
%+1 757 321 7645
fax +1 757 321 7772
[email protected]
throughout the world, operation smile
volunteers repair childhood facial deformities
while building public and private partnerships
that advocate for sustainable healthcare
systems for children and their families. their
goal is to create smiles and change lives.
each operation smile international mission
includes a student team consisting of one
student sponsor and two student educators,
who perform free evaluations and surgery to
children with cleft lips, cleft palates, tumours
and burns. student educators teach oral
rehydration, burn care and prevention, proper
nutrition and dental care to patients and

status: not-for-profit organisation.
timing & length of placements: International
medical missions are conducted year-round
and are typically two weeks in length.
destinations: bangladesh, bolivia, brazil,
Cambodia, China, Colombia, democratic
republic of Congo, ecuador, egypt, ethiopia,
haiti, honduras, India, jordan, Kenya,
mexico, morocco, nicaragua, panama,
paraguay, peru, the philippines, russia, south
africa, thailand, Venezuela and Vietnam.
Costs: each team member (both medical and
non-medical) pays a team fee of us$500 per
mission trip. operation smile arranges for air
transportation, accommodation and most
eligibility: all medical volunteers must
complete a credentialing process;
requirements depend on the medical
discipline. student volunteers who travel on
international missions must be 16, attend
an operation smile International leadership
Conference and a mission training
groups or Individuals: Volunteers with
partners and dependents are welcome.
annual no. of Volunteers: around 1200.
annual projects: In 2005, medical volunteers
provided free surgery for 9334 children
through international and local medical
missions in more than 20 countries.

selection & Interview process: medical
volunteers should complete an application
and submit it to be reviewed by the
medical officer. all students can attend
the International leadership Conference.
applying for mission training is competitive
and extensive.
In-country support: mission teams are hosted
by operation smile International foundations,
which are responsible for all in-country
mission logistics.

peace Corps
paul d Coverdell peace Corps headquarters,
1111 20th st, nw, washington, dC 20526, usa
%+1 800 424 8540
In the us, the peace Corps is one of the most
readily recognised names in international
volunteering. the organisation’s roots go
back to then-us senator john f Kennedy’s
challenge to students at the university of
michigan to serve their country in the cause
of peace by living and working in developing
countries. eventually, his vision gave rise to an
agency of the federal government devoted
to world peace and international friendship.
today, a placement with the peace Corps
could find you doing almost anything – from
working in emerging and essential services in
cutting-edge fields like information technology
and communications, to the most basic
community programmes in the developing
world. for more information on the peace
Corps, see p96.

emergency & relief

If your interest in volunteering stems from
dilettantish daydreaming about spending
the school break parachuting in with a box
of plasters to save the day, then don’t bother
reading on. The organisations listed below
are definitely not for the casual volunteer
looking for a good way to while away the
summer. These opportunities are strictly for
skilled volunteers dedicated to a life on the
frontlines of humanitarian relief. For such
individuals, working on the international
stage with organisations such as those listed
here is a worthy long-term goal.
This list includes many of the most
selective volunteering opportunities in the
world. Given the fact that they mostly

operate in extremely unpredictable and
difficult locations – often shattered by
natural disaster or military conflict – the
rigorous selection criteria that apply are
a necessity for the safety of everyone
involved. Since factors such as destina-
tion, length of placement and in-country
support vary on a case-by-case basis, this
information can’t always be listed.

International Organisations

doctors of the world
French Office: médecins du monde
62 rue marcadet, 75018 paris, france
%+33 1 44 92 15 15
fax +33 1 44 99 92
UK Office: 14 heron Quays,
london, e14 4jb , uK
%+44 (0)20 7515 7534
fax +44 (0)20 7515 7560
[email protected]
like other organisations in this category,
doctors of the world is an international
humanitarian organisation that sends
medical and non-medical volunteers
abroad to provide healthcare to vulnerable
populations around the world. the
organisation was formed in 1980. today
doctors of the world’s work is divided into
three categories: emergency response
to war and disaster, post-emergency
rehabilitation, and long-term development
projects. In addition to providing medical
support, doctors of the world’s volunteers
give a voice to the most marginalised people
status: registered charity in the uK.
timing & length of placements: doctors of
the world requires a commitment of a few
weeks up to three months for emergency
projects and six to 12 months for long-term
development projects.
Costs/pay: transportation, housing and
insurance are covered by the organisation. In
addition, staff receive approximately £200 per
month as a local allowance and a monthly
compensation of between £600 and £800,
deposited into their bank account at home.
destinations: 60 countries worldwide.
eligibility: Volunteers need to have at least
two years of professional experience. this

05: Organised Volunteer Programmes:

Emergency & Relief
Photo: Azafady

Azafady volunteers take a break on the Madagascan beach
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