Saadu Dakma(7)

(Uthpala 117) #1
mrdch fkdjk nj;a" ish ̈ ;kays iem;g meñfKk nj;a
wjidkfha§ ish ̈ ÿla fodïkia fl<jr lr m;kakd jQ
fndaêhlska mru ruKSh wuD; uyd ksjka iqjh mila lr
.kakd nj;a O¾ufha i|ykah'

wdYs¾jdod;aul uÙ., lreKq 38 ^HIGHEST BLESSING OF LIFE&'

1' wkqjK nd,hka weiqre fkdlsÍu - To Avoid the compny of fools

2' mKaä;hka weiqre lsÍu - To associate with the wise

3' nqoaOd§ msÈh hq;a;ka ms§u - To honour those who are worthy of honour

4' iqÿiq fmfoil jdih lsÍu - To live in a suitable place

5' fmr l< mska we;s nj - To have done good deeds in the past

6' is; ukdj msysgqùu - To be on the right path

7' fndfyda weiQ msrE ;eka we;s nj - To have a good education

8' Ys,am ±kSfuka ,o ld¾h ksmqK;ajh - To be proficient at work

9' ukd yslaóu - To follow a code of discipline

10' iqNdIs; jpk Ndú;h - To practice pleasant speech

11' foudmshkag Wmia:dk lsÍu - To support the parents

12' wUqorejkag ix.%y lsÍu - To take care of spouse and children

13' ksrjq,a" hym;a /lshdjl fh§u - To have occupations which do not cause harm

14' oka §u - To be charitable

15' l=i, O¾uhkays fh§u - To practice virtuous conduct.

16' {d;s ñ;%d§kag ix.%y lsÍu - To be of help to relatives and friends

17' ksrjq,a ksjerÈ l¾udka;hkays fh§u - To engage in blameless activities

18' mdm l¾uhkaf.ka je<lSu - To abstain from evil.

19' whym;a lghq;= fyj;a jro msgq ±lSu - To have no desire for evil

20' u;aj;=r iy u;aøjH Ndú;fhka je<lSu - To refrain from intoxicants

21' ish ̈ l=i,a oyïys mud fkdùu - To be diligent in wholesome practice.

22' .re l< hq;a;kag .re lsÍu - To have reverence

23' hgy;a my;a nj - To be humble

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