- Position the playhead at the start of the clip, and use the mask handles in the Program
Monitor to reposition the mask so it covers subject’s face and hair. You may find it helpful
to adjust the Zoom level for the Program Monitor to see beyond the edges of the image.
If you deselect the mask, the controls will disappear—select the name of the mask, Mask
(1), to display the controls again.
- Feathering softens the edge of the mask. Set Mask Feather to about 240.
If you deselect the mask in the Effect Controls panel, to hide the mask handles in the
Program Monitor, you’ll see that you have lifted the area around the subject’s face, with a
natural return to regular lighting in the rest of the picture. Now you just need the mask to
follow the moving video.
- Make sure the playhead is still on the first frame of the clip. Click the Track Selected Mask
Forward button in the Effect Controls panel, just under the mask name, Mask (1).