The following are a few effects you may want to try first.
You can always find an effect using the search box at the top of the Effects panel. Often,
the best way to learn how to use an effect is to apply it to a clip that has a good range of
colors, highlights, and shadows and then adjust all the settings to see the result.
Using coloring effects
Premiere Pro features several effects, all available in the Effects panel, for adjusting existing
colors. The following two are for creating a black-and-white image and applying a tint and for
simply turning a color clip into a black-and-white one.
While in the Color workspace, the Effects panel may not be easy to locate. You can
always access any panel by choosing it from the Window menu.
Use the eyedroppers or color pickers to reduce any image to just two colors. Whatever you
map to black and white replaces any other colors in the image.
Black & White
Convert any image to simple black and white. This is useful when combined with other effects
that can add color.