specifically to the anchor point, which itself has a position on the object. For many items
it’s the exact center of the object (which makes sense, particularly when rotating).
Notice that the default location of this anchor point is the lower-left corner of the text (not
the box around the text). When you rotate the text, it’s not around the center but instead
around that corner.
8. With the Selection tool still active, click the blue number for the rotation setting in
the Essential Graphics panel, type 45 , and press Enter to manually set the angle to 45
9. Click anywhere in the bounding box and drag the text and its bounding box toward the
upper-right corner of the frame.
10. Disable the Video 1 track output by clicking the Toggle Track Output button in the
Timeline panel.
11. Open the Program Monitor Settings menu, and choose Transparency Grid to enable it.
Now you can see the graphic against a transparency checkerboard, but it’s almost
impossible to read!
12. With the text selected, go to the Appearance section of the Essential Graphics panel, and
enable the Stroke option to add an outline to the letters. Set the color to black and set Stroke
Width to 7.
Now it’s easy to see the text, and you can be confident it will remain readable against a range of
background colors. For more information about adding a stroke or a shadow to text, see “Text
styles” later in this lesson.