Adobe Premiere Pro CC Classroom in a Book (2019 Release), First Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
2. Experiment with the options in the Essential Graphics panel to make the text more readable
and add more color to the composition.
3. To set the color for point text in the upper right, select the text and use the Fill color
eyedropper to select the orange rocks.
4. To set the color for the paragraph text in the lower left, select the text and use the Fill color
eyedropper to select the pale blue sky around the clouds.

Because the colors in the rocks and clouds vary, you may wish to use the eyedropper to
select an approximate color, then click the Fill color swatch to manually adjust the

Try to match the appearance of the title in the following example.
If you see an exclamation point next to the color you’ve chosen, Premiere Pro is
warning you that a color is not broadcast-safe. This means it may cause problems
when the video signal is put into a broadcast television environment. Click the
exclamation point to automatically choose the closest color that is broadcast-safe.

Saving custom styles

If you create a look you like, you can save time by storing it as a style. A style describes the
color and font characteristics for text. You can use a style to change the appearance of text
with a single click; all the properties of the text update to match the preset.

Let’s create a style from the text you modified in the previous exercise.

1. Continuing to work on the same title, use the Selection tool to select the paragraph text in
the lower-left corner.
2. In the Essential Graphics panel, open the Master Styles menu, and choose Create Master
Text Style.
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