Ulmus americana American Elm
Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FACW- Soil: pH 6.6-8.0
Form/Color Globular; 75'-100'; 75'-100' wide spread; Stormwater Tolerant of stormwater.
golden yellow in fall; small clusters of red Tolerance:
brown flowers early-mid April; tan brown
samara May. Urban Intermediate tolerance of soil
Tolerance: compaction.
Habitat: Alluvial flats; mesic ravines, moist forest
Ecosystem Intermediate wildlife value for
Services: waterfowl, songbirds, upland ground
birds, small mammals.
Hydrology: Intermediate tolerance of flooding;
moderate to well drainage; moist to dry.
Ornamental Golden yellow fall color.
Value: Compatibility:
Salt Moderately tolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other: Susceptible to diseases: Dutch elm
disease, cankers, Verticillium wilt;
Shade Moderately tolerant of shade. frequently susceptible to gypsy moth,
Tolerance: bark beetles, elm borer, etc.