Rosa palustris Swamp Rose
Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: OBL Soil: pH 5.6-6.5
Form/Color Deciduous, multistemmed, prickly stems, Stormwater Tolerant of stormwater.
grows to 6', flowers pink in June-July, red Tolerance:
fruit in September-October.
Urban Performs well in the right of way.
Habitat: Freshwater tidal and nontidal marshes,
pond edges.
Ecosystem Wildlife value high, fruit eaten by birds.
Hydrology: Tolerant of flooding.
Ornamental Pink showy flowers, red fleshy fruit.
Value: Compatibility: Aggressively colonial.
Salt Intolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other:
Shade Intolerant of shade.
Rosa virginiana Virginia Rose
Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FAC Soil: pH 5.0-7.0
Form/Color Deciduous, multi-stemmed, dense shrub, Stormwater Tolerant of stormwater.
flowers pink with yellow centers in Tolerance:
summer, red rose hips throughout winter,
to 4-6' tall, 4-6' wide. Urban Performs well in the right of way.
Habitat: Open areas, moist to dry soil, especially
sandy areas, back dune scrub.
Ecosystem Eaten by birds.
Hydrology: Low tolerance to drought.
Ornamental Pink flowers with yellow centers, red rose
Value: hips. Compatibility: Will sucker and spread quickly.
Salt Tolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other: Very disease resistant.
Shade Moderately tolerant of shade.