
(vip2019) #1

Leersia oryzoides Rice Cut-Grass

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: OBL Soil: pH 5.1-8.8

Form/Color Moderate grower to 5', sprawling, rough Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
leaves, saw toothed, blooms and fruits in Tolerance: tolerance.

Urban Tolerant of concrete debris.


Habitat: Freshwater nontidal marshes, wet

ditches, open swamp forests.

Hydrology: Tolerant of flooding, drought.

Ornamental Forming dense colonies, this upright
Value: grass is yellow-green in color. The Compatibility: Aggressively colonial, may crowd out

panicle is open and drooping with seed less aggressive plants.

heads covered in minute bristles.

Salt Intolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other:

Shade Tolerant of partial shade.


Leersia virginica White Grass

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FACW Soil: pH 4.5-8.5

Form/Color To 5', sprawling, blooms and fruit in July- Stormwater Insufficient information to determine

October. Tolerance: tolerance.

Urban Tolerant of concrete debris.

Habitat: Wet woods, along trails, disturbed sites.

Ecosystem Host to some butterflies.

Hydrology: Intolerant of drought.

Ornamental Grass with soft-textured foliage and a

Value: slender inflorescence with few spikelets. Compatibility: Not a known allelopath, moderate
grower, moderate rate of vegetative


Salt Intolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other: Can be differentiated from the similar

looking invasive Japanese stiltgrass
Shade Tolerant of shade. by short retrorse hairs at each node
Tolerance: along the culm.

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