
(vip2019) #1

Tripsacum dactyloides Gamma Grass

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FACW Soil: pH 5.1-7.5

Form/Color To 8', densely tufted, robust plants, large Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
underground stems, blooms and fruits in Tolerance: tolerance.

Urban Tolerant of soil compaction.


Habitat: Open marshes.

Ecosystem Host to some butterflies and their

Services: larvae, host to larvae of moth
Amphipoea erepta, seeds eaten by
Hydrology: Tolerant of brackish water. deer and birds.

Ornamental Delicate red to orange stamens hang
Value: from a long inflorescence on male plants. Compatibility: Can form colonies. Rhizomes can

The seed pods resemble fingers or be visible above the earth.


Salt Low tolerance of salt.
Tolerance: Other: Distant relative to corn. Known to

sometimes compete with invasive
Shade Intolerant of shade. species like Phragmites. One of very
Tolerance: few grasses with unisexual flowers.

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