additional sights, accommodation, eating
and transport options, see p 113. The temples
are all shown on the map on p 152.
Old Bagan
The most practical part of Bagan to tour
by foot (with water and a hat), this roughly
counterclockwise 1-mile circuit takes in tem-
ples within the old city walls.
Gawdawpalin Pahto BUDDHIST TEMPLE
Standing 197ft tall, Gawdawpalin is one
of the largest and most imposing Bagan
temples – though not necessarily the most
inspiring, with its modernised altar and
tile fl oors inside. Built during the reign of
Narapatisithu and fi nished under that of
Nantaungmya, it’s considered the crown-
ing achievement of the late Bagan period.
Its name means ‘Platform to which Hom-
age is Paid’. The most recent homage was its
heavy-duty reconstruction following terrifi c
damage sustained in the 1975 earthquake
(it stands near the quake’s epicentre). The
stairs to the top terrace are closed to visitors.
Mimalaung Kyaung MONASTERY
A nice set of chinthe (half-lion/half-dragon
deity) guards the stairway leading up this
Many visitors set aside just two days in Bagan even though you can easily spend four
or fi ve days here and still leave much unexplored. Adapt the following itineraries to suit
your plans or consider just renting a bike and heading off to view thousands of other
random sights – the real pleasure of Bagan comes from a leisurely soaking up of its
scale and time-slip atmosphere.
One Day
Stick to the Old Bagan area starting at the Tharabar Gate then heading south to
Bagan’s most popular temple, Ananda Pahto and west to Thatbyinnyu Pahto, near
where you can climb up the old city wall.
Just west is where King Anawrahta stored all the non-Buddhist images at Nathlaung
Kyaung. Back on the main road, backtrack towards Tharabar Gate and detour on the
gravel road for a river view from Bupaya.
In the afternoon visit lacquerware shops in Myinkaba, climb up the hidden stairs in
modern Manuha Paya and see the bas-relief fi gures in Nan Paya. Finish up at one of the
choice sunset spots: Pyathada Paya is the adventurous option, east of Myinkaba on
goat-herd trails, or play it safe with the easily accessible (hence crowded) Shwesandaw
Paya, near Old Bagan.
Two Days
Having followed the one-day plan, now tick off other highlights starting with Dhamma-
yangyi Pahto, Bagan’s largest temple. Take the paths east to the gorgeous Sulamani
Pahto and escape the crowds at its neighbouring ‘mini-me’ version, Thabeik Hmauk,
which is also a good (and generally uncrowded) place to for sunset viewing.
Another lovely view can be had from the terrace of Dhammayazika Paya in the
South Plain area east of Myinkaba. While out this way visit Leimyethna Pahto for its
well-preserved frescoes and Pyathonzu, which also houses 13th-century murals.
Four Days
On day three many itineraries will have you heading out of the immediate Bagan area
to Salay, another area sprinkled with old temples and monasteries, and/or Mt Popa,
famous for its picturesque, nat- (spirit-) infested hilltop temple. Both places are interest-
ing, but if you’d rather stay closer to Bagan, schedule visits to Abeyadana Pahto and
Nagayon in Myinkaba and the frescoes in Lawkahteikpan Pahto. Adventurous half-day
boat trips can be made down or across the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) to more remote
temples – the bonus being a chance to sail back into town at sunset.