my friends
r so fake
i had a great week
at school. i did rlly
well on my test
and did my hw for
the first time
I have the second
highest grade in my
history class and got
a 1500 on my PSAT.
I'm so smart. Who is
doing it like me?
t was fall 2019 when
sophomore Alexan-
der Svendsen-Conn
discovered School-
ogy’s blogging feature.
“In ninth grade, mostly
during English class, I would
find myself messing around
with the different features of
Schoology, exploring some of
its lesser-known parts,” Svend-
sen-Conn said. “That eventu-
ally led to me blogging and
looking at other people’s blogs.”
Schoology, Pali’s virtual
platform for announcements,
student-teacher communica-
tion, assignments and grad-
ing, has long had a blogging
feature, but it’s COVID-19
isolation that seems to have
driven increased activity to
the platform in the last year.
A small community has
flourished on a website
known for practically any-
thing but student discourse.
Freshman Jack Hesse
started blogging last Sep-
tember, seeking to make
connections with his peers
during the pandemic.
Most freshmen, in fact, have
not spent a single day on the Pali
campus, motivating some to
seek online friendships until the
in-person kind are accessible.
“We’re stuck in this bub-
ble,” Hesse said. “I feel like
[freshmen] don’t meet any
sophomores and juniors, and
the Schoology blog helps.”
Though sophomore
Leon Akhavan didn’t expe-
rience those same freshman
struggles, he has used the
platform to express his own
frustrations with pandem-
ic-induced social isolation.
“How many experiences
have I missed out on?” he asked
in a March post. “How many
friendships never occurred?
Relationships? Life lessons?
Unforgettable experiences?
We’ve all been inside for ba-
sically a year, and I can’t help
Graphic by Atticus Parker