California's Best Trips 2 - Full PDF eBook

(Dana P.) #1
The Drive » Continue south
on Hwy 1 past the airport. Pillar
Point Harbor is on the right
after 2 miles. For downtown Half
Moon Bay, go four more miles
south on Hwy 1, turn left onto
Hwy 92, then right onto Main St.

33 Half Moon Bay
Off shore from the
western end of Pillar
Point Harbor lies
Mavericks (www., a
serious surf break,
where an annual contest
attracts the world’s pro
big-wave riders to battle
huge, steep wintertime
swells over 50ft high.
Not feeling that brave?
Paddle in calmer waters
with Half Moon Bay
Kayak (%650-773-6101;,
which rents kayaks and
guides tours. Further
south down Hwy 1,
detour inland to amble
down this Victorian-era
seaside resort’s quaint
Main St, its tree-lined
blocks overstuff ed
with knick-knackeries,
bookstores, antiques
shops and cafes.

54 p 167

The Drive » For the next 11
miles heading south, Hwy 1
gently follows the contours of
the coast. Vistas of pounding
surf, unspoiled shores and
dramatic rock outcrops seem
boundless. Turn inland onto
Hwy 84 at San Gregorio, then
right after less than a mile onto
Stage Rd, which narrowly winds
through the hills for 7 miles
south to Pescadero.

44 Pescadero
With its long coastline,
mild weather and
abundant fresh water,
Pescadero has always
been prime real estate.
Spanish for ‘fi shmonger,’
Pescadero was formally
established in 1856, when
it was mostly a farming
and dairy settlement
with a key location
along the stagecoach
route. Munch on a
fresh-baked, pull-apart
loaf of Italian garlic-
and-herb bread stuff ed
with juicy artichokes
from Arcangeli Grocery
Co (;
287 Stage Rd; h10am-6pm)
before traipsing around
downtown’s art galleries
and antiques shops. At
the north end of the
main drag, turn right
onto North St and drive
a mile to steal-your-heart
Harley Farms Goat Dairy
(; 205
North St; h11am-5pm; c).
The farm shop sells
creamy artisanal goat
cheeses festooned with
fruit, nuts and a rainbow
of edible fl owers. Call
ahead for a sustainable-
farm tour or just pat the
heads of the goats in the
pens out back.

54 p 167

The Drive » Continue
driving past the goat farm on
North St to Pescadero Rd. Turn
right and head west 2 miles
to Pescadero State Beach,
passing marshlands where

bird-watchers spot waterfowl.
Turn left back onto Hwy 1,
driving south beside pocket
beaches and coves for 5.5 miles
to the Pigeon Point turnoff on
your right.

55 Pigeon Point
One of West Coast’s
tallest lighthouses
stands in Pigeon Point
Light Station State
Historic Park (www.parks.; h8am-sunset).
The 1872 landmark
had to close access to
its Fresnel lens when
chunks of its cornice
began to rain from the
sky, but the beam still
fl ashes brightly and the
bluff is a prime though







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