California's Best Trips 2 - Full PDF eBook

(Dana P.) #1
Ubehebe Crater, formed
by the explosive meeting
of fiery magma and
cool groundwater. Once
thought to be an ancient
volcano, scientists have
come to believe that
this volcano exploded
possibly as recently
as just 300 years ago.
Hikers can make a loop
around the rim and over
to younger Little Hebe
Crater, for astounding
views into the volcanic
depths and over rainbow-
colored cinder fields lying
scattered over the valley

The Drive » Backtrack along
Ubehebe Crater Rd to Grapevine
Junction ranger station, then
turn left and continue another
3 easy miles east along Scotty’s
Castle Rd to the Scotty’s Castle
parking lot, snack bar and gift
shop, all on your left.

a Scotty’s Castle
No trip to Death Valley
would be complete
without a tour of


Scotty’s Castle (%760-
786-2392, reservations
877-444-6777; http://www.recreation.
gov; Hwy 267; adult/child
$15/7.50; hopen daily, tour
schedules vary). Guides in
authentic period dress
lead curious visitors
around the Spanish-
inspired villa named for
‘Death Valley Scotty,’
a gifted tall-tale teller
who captivated people
with his fanciful stories
of gold. Scotty’s most
lucrative friendship was
with Albert and Bessie
Johnson, insurance
magnates from Chicago.
Despite knowing that

Scotty was a freeloading
liar, they bankrolled
the construction of this
eccentric desert estate.
Restored to the glory
of its 1939 appearance,
the historic home has
sheepskin drapes, carved
California redwood,
handmade tiles,
elaborately wrought iron,
woven Shoshone baskets
and a bellowing pipe
organ upstairs. If you
haven’t reserved a tour
at least a day in advance,
show up early – limited
same-day tour tickets are
sold on a first-come, first-
served basis.


When the mercury can climb over 120°F, a car with
reliable air-con is essential and outdoor explorations
in Death Valley should be limited to the early
morning and late afternoon. Spend the hottest part
of the day poolside or at higher elevations. Always
carry extra water in case you get stranded. Fill up
the gas tank whenever you can. An underinflated tire
can overheat quickly, so check the tire pressure, too.
Watch the engine temperature gauge as you drive. If
it rises into the red zone, turn off the air-con, turn on
the heater and roll down windows. Or pull over, face
the car’s front into the wind, carefully pop the hood
and idle the engine. If the engine gets hotter, shut it
off immediately.




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