California's Best Trips 2 - Full PDF eBook

(Dana P.) #1
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Many thanks to the travelers
who used the last edition and
wrote to us with helpful hints,
useful advice and interesting
anecdotes: Steffen Beck, Filip
Bosmans, Sara Camici.



Without everyone at Lonely
Planet and my California
coauthors, this book would
not have been so much fun.
Big thanks to my Golden State
friends and family, especially the
Picketts for their hospitality. PS
to MSC Jr: Only 185,000 miles?!


Thanks much to Suki Gear and
the Oakland publishing team,

who are a joy to work with, and to
all the fellows in Lonely Planet’s
Oakland warehouse, who are
always kind enough to let me
rummage around.

The biggest round of applause
goes to Sara Benson and Suki
Gear, plus cheers to Laura
Stansfeld, carto queen Alison
Lyall and coauthor Nate
Cavalieri. Thanks to Alexis
Averbuck, Dominique Channell,
John Vlahides and Ryan Ver
Berkmoes for their work on
previous editions. Lots of love
to Claude.

Climate map data adapted
from Peel MC, Finlayson BL &

McMahon TA (2007) ‘Updated
World Map of the Köppen-Geiger
Climate Classification’, Hydrology
and Earth System Sciences, 11,
1633 44.
Cover photographs: Front
(clockwise from top): Pacific
Ocean landscape with Bixby
Canyon bridge. Big Sur,
California, John Elk III/Lonely
Planet Images; Golden Gate
Bridge, San Francisco, California,
Sabrina Dalbesio/Lonely
Planet Images; 1948 Chevrolet
Fleetmaster Woody Wagon with
surfboards Car Culture/Corbis.
Back: Yosemite Falls, Yosemite
National Park, California, Radius
Images/Lonely Planet Images





This 2nd edition of California’s
Best Trips was researched
and written by Sara Benson,
Nate Cavalieri and Beth Kohn.
Ryan Ver Berkmoes, Alexis
Averbuck and Amy C Balfour
also contributed some of
the text. This guidebook was
commissioned in Lonely Planet’s
Oakland office, and produced by
the following:

Commissioning Editor Suki
Gear Coordinating Editor
Sophie Splatt Coordinating

Cartographer Corey Hutchison
Coordinating Layout Designer
Mazzy Prinsep Managing
Editors Annelies Mertens,
Angela Tinson Managing
Cartographers Mark Griffiths,
Alison Lyall, Diana Von Holdt
Managing Layout Designer
Jane Hart Assisting Editors
Cathryn Game, Helen Koehne
Assisting Cartographer
Karusha Ganga Assisting
Layout Designers Clara Monitto,
Jessica Rose Cover Research
Timothy O’Hanlon Internal

Image Research Nicholas
Thanks to Sasha Baskett,
Jennifer Bilos, Lucy Birchley,
Laura Crawford, Janine Eberle,
Ryan Evans, Jennye Garibaldi,
Joshua Geoghegan, Chris Girdler,
Liz Heynes, Laura Jane, Jennifer
Johnston, David Kemp, Gabriel
Lindquist, Wayne Murphy, Trent
Paton, Martine Power, Kirsten
Rawlings, Raphael Richards,
Cameron Romeril, Mik Ruff, Julie
Sheridan, Laura Stansfeld, Matt
Swaine, John Taufa, Gerard
Walker, Juan Winata
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