
(backadmin) #1
GREECE TODAY............................. 710
The Greek psyche remains spirited and passionate but is laced
with anxiety as the government responds to an ailing economy
and religious scandal.

HISTORY.................................. 712
Greece’s cultural infl uence, physical prowess and athleticism of
mind have left deep historical footprints. Follow them through
the ages.

ANCIENT GREEK CULTURE.................. 733
Ancient Greece is the grandfather of philosophy, the keeper of
classical sculpture and the wellspring of stories and myths.

THE GREEK WAY OF LIFE.................... 738
Independent yet family-oriented, overeducated yet under-
employed, resilient yet tested by cultural, social and political
crises – the Greek way of life is rife with paradoxes.

ARCHITECTURE............................ 745
Discover Greece’s infl uence on architecture around the globe
along with where to see the best preserved temples and ruins.

GREEK CUISINE............................ 750
Contemporary chefs add tasty twists to traditional home

MUSIC & DANCE............................ 755
Spirited, high-kicking laps around the dance fl oor plus club
music, jazz, rock and rap – Greek-style.

ART & LITERATURE......................... 759
Read all about Greece’s contemporary page-turners and
thought-provoking modern art scene.

NATURE & WILDLIFE........................ 762
With mountainous interiors tumbling down to unending ribbons
of coastline, the great Greek outdoors off ers everything from
birds to turtles and orchids to oregano.



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