By the time the worldâs longest river reachesthe Brazilian city of Manaus, itâs wide andfast-moving: almost four miles across and300m deep in parts. For a journey of epicproportions, head east and join a six-daytour of the safer Rio Urubu. This tributaryof the Amazon is ideal for kayaking ânarrower, shallower and with clear sight ofboth banks, making it easier to spot turtles,monkeys and even jaguars. Youâll journeyback to Manaus, kayaking through theday and camping on the banks at night.Malaria risk: highThe rolling hills of Kalahandi, in Indiaâseastern Odisha state, are filled with secretsfor those willing to search for them. Duringa guided trek you can encounter Indianelephants, tigers, leopards and brown bears,as you pass through the dense forests andremote hilltops of this little-visited area.Humans have lived here since the StoneAge and there are visible remnants of theirprehistoric presence, including paintedrocks and intricate carvings. To experiencelocal culture, visit the many markets in thearea around the small town of Koraput,where tribespeople gather to shop.Malaria risk: highUSE INSECTREPELLENTCover up with long-sleeved tops andtrousers. Whereexposed skin isunavoidable, usea DEET-containingspray. Some speciesof mosquitos are alsoactive throughoutthe day, so wearrepellent at all times.``````AVOIDSTAGNANTWATERMosquitos breedin stagnant water,so avoid ponds ifyouâre camping.Fast-moving riversare safer, but dampareas around theirbanks still presenta welcomingbreeding ground.``````SLEEP UNDERMOSQUITONETSA mosquito netimpregnated withpermethrin shouldfeature on yourpacking list. Makesure to check iteach night for tearsand holes, andpack a roll of ducttape for repairs.``````GET YOURVACCINATIONSMake an appointmentto see your doctoror a travel specialistbefore you headoff. Theyâll have theinformation neededto assess any risksand will ensure youget the necessaryvaccinations beforeyou travel.
Ask your pharmacist or visit to find out moreOn the Indonesian island of Flores, almost2,000m above the Kelimutu National Park,sit three volcanic crater lakes in startlingcolours. The shades of two of the lakes slowlyshift from red to blue to brown as salts andminerals from the surrounding rocks dissolve.After an early morning climb up the steepmountainside staircase, as clouds roll overthe cratersâ rims and the dawn sunlight splitsthe grey, the view is almost supernatural.Malaria risk: mediumSEE THE L AKESOF KELIMUTU
PADDLE THEAMAZON BASINTREK THEKALAHANDI HILLSAlways read the label``````PACK MALOFF PROTECTEach of these challenges involves venturinginto a malaria risk area, but protectingyourself is now easier than ever. Wherepreviously you may have needed aprescription, Maloff Protect is availablefrom your pharmacist. It offers protectionagainst one of the most common causesof malaria and itâs also one of the moreconvenient anti-malarials available, asit requires just a single, daily dose. Youbegin your course one to two days beforeyou travel and finish seven days afteryour return. Itâs as simple as that.
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)