26 Lonely Planet Traveller October 2017Good news for fans of spreadable yeastextract. Earlier this year, London CityAirport revealed that jars of Marmiteare the most-confiscated item fromhand luggage. For one day over thesummer, staff at the security gatesswapped any 100ml jar for a plane-friendly 70ml. Now, given the successof the project, Marmite is ponderingwhether to roll out the schemenationwide. Give them a nudge onTwitter: @marmite.``````IT MAY TAKE SOME LUCK, but if you land a booking at this treehouse in Atlanta, Georgia, youâll bein good company: itâs been named as the worldâs most wished-for Airbnb listing. Two guests canenjoy this magical space, with a bedroom, living room and deck linked by fairy-lit walkways (from£235; If the Deep South is too far to go for a treetop stay, thereare plenty of choices closer to home. For starters, try the two cabins at Brook House Woods inHerefordshire (treehouses from £260 for two nights;, or Tree Howf inPerthshire, built around an ancient ash tree (from £175 for two nights;
flightsto thesunYOUâVE JUST COOKED BREAKFAST TO PERFECTIONon your camping stove. Clearly you need to takea photo and post it to Instagram before you cantuck in. Oh, no! Your phone is dead! But wait! TheTegology Tegstove is here to save the day. TheButane-powered device generates and storeselectricity whenever itâs lit. Gadgets are charged viaits USB port, so youâll never run out of batteries ona camping trip again. Of course, it must also be ableto cook and it does so incredibly well, with widestove arms providing consistent heat and retractabletripod legs for stability (£125;
CHARGED UPCoo k ChargeTake a boughWHAT WILL A BRITISH WINTER BRING: a white Christmas, latewarmth or a soggy mess? For those not keen to hang around to findout, British Airways is expanding its network of southbound flights( From late October, BAâs services from Heathrow to Palmade Mallorca, Málaga and Palermo go from summer only to year-round. Tenerife-bound travellers can now add Heathrow to their listof starting points, while Paphos in Cyprus sees its flights fromGatwick go beyond peak sunlounger season. Mancunians,meanwhile, can jump on a new service to Agadir on Moroccoâssouthern coast with Air Arabia Maroc (
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)