BEGUILINGLANDSCAPESVIEWS OF TU R K EYDiscover Central Turkeyâs historic region ofCappadocia, where otherworldly countoursdumbfound and delight in equal measureCappadociaâs rugged expanseof valleys, cliffs andcaves makes for surrealviewing. Between the psychedelicappearance of the rock formationsand the mesmerising glow of red-hotsunsets on the horizon, this cornerRI7XUNH\DOPRVWGH¿HVEHOLHIUse the regionâs cities as yourgateway to these natural phenomena.This is a part of Turkey that represents``````DWULXPSKRIERWK0RWKHU1DWXUHand human ingenuity, humansKDYLQJPDGHWKHLUPDUNDVIDUEDFNas the third millennium BC.Several civilisations over the centurieshave taken advantage of CappadociaâsLGLRV\QFUDVLHVWRSURGXFHODE\ULQWKLQHunderground cities, many of which can stillEHYLVLWHGWRGD\)URPWKHVXEWHUUDQHDQWUDLOVWRELUG¶VH\HYLHZVWKHUH¶VDQawful lot to reward visitors to the area.
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)