The Greatness Of Africa

(YoussefMustafa) #1

plus one equals two as the first step and simple shapes as the second
step. Recent mathematical developments like fractal geometry
represented the top of the ladder in most Western thinking. But it's much
more useful to think about the development of mathematics as a kind
of branching structure and that what blossomed very late on European
branches might have bloomed much earlier on the limbs of others.
When Europeans first came to Africa, they considered the architecture
very disorganized and thus primitive. It never occurred to them that the
Africans might have been using a form of mathematics that they hadn't
even discovered. The theory of binary numeral system was also widely
known throughout Africa before much of the world. It has been said that
this theory could have influenced western geomancy which led to the
development of the digital computer.

Communication systems: Writing systems of
Africa, the use of town criers, iron cymbals, hollow wood and gunshots
etc. was wide spread among the Tiv and most African cultures.


African military systems dates back to 1800–1900, the ancient Egyptian
weaponry include bows and arrows, maces, clubs, swords, scimitars,
battle axe, spears, shields, and
scabbard. Body armor was
made of bands of leathers and
sometimes laid with scales and
sleeves. Horse drawn chariots
were used to deliver archers into
the battle field. Weapons would
be made initially with stone,
wood, and copper, later bronze
and iron were used.

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