Bimby - Angola

(kioske Culinaria) #1
Calulu de Peixe ~30Min

Ingredientes Preparação

700 g corvina fresca, pargo ou garoupa 1 Tempere o peixe fresco com sal e disponha-o na Varoma. Reserve

3 dentes dealho

2 cebolas grandes 2 Coloque no copo a cebola, o alho e pique 7 Seg/Vel5 Adicione o óleo de palma e o
tomate, coloque a Varoma sobre o copo e programe 15 Min/Varoma/VeI1.

4 csopa de óleodepalma

200 gtomate pelado

400 g jimboa

200 g kiabos

200 g beringela

Salejindungo qb.

200 g corvina seca

700 9 fresh croaker, snapperorgrauper
z onions

3 c/oves of garlic

4 tablespoons palm oil
200 9 peeled tomato
400 9 jimboa
200 9 okra
2009 eggplant
Salt and jindungo
200 9 driedcroaker

3 Adicione a jimboa, os kiabos, a beringela cortada em pedaços e o peixe seco.
Coloque novamente a Varoma e programe 15 Min/Varoma/~/Velc:J,

4 Disponha aspostas de corvina em prato fundo e cubra comomolho

1 Season thefreshfishwith salt and place it inVarama. Set aside.
2 Place onionandgarlic into the bowland chop 7 Sec/Speed 5 .Add palm oiland tomato into the bowl,
setoverVarama and cook 15 Min/voroma/Speed1.
3 Add jimboa, okra, diced eggplant and dried fish. Replace the Varama and pragram
15 Min/ Varama/<:)/ Speedd-,
4 Arrange the croaker inadeep dish and caver with the sauce.
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