Mystery of the black hole mine

(Shobhanaa1234) #1

It is with you but your

friends use it more.

“I think so I have heard this riddle before” said Cora.

“Yeah I got it. What is with us but everyone use it often is
name” she screamed.

“correct” the cave said

“The next riddle is...”

What is with you that

cannot be broken

“ oh, I know. Maybe it’s an egg. We cannot break it

because we need to eat it right” asked Laila.

“No. But it can be break right “asked Issabelle.

“Maybe it’s a promise. When it is with us, we cannot break
it “answered Steve.

“Correct” said the cave

“This is your last riddle. Answer it correctly and I will let
you pass” it said.

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