Mystery of the black hole mine

(Shobhanaa1234) #1

“The guide fairy guides anyone who needs help. Cook
fairy cook’s delicious food in our land. You may think that
everyone can cook. But cook fairy’s food has the magic
that none other fairies can have. The water fairy deals with
water. The fairy can do many shapes using water and it is
with them throughout their life. Pluto fairy is the fairy who
guards Pluto’s nature. Royal fairy is the fairy who are born
from the royals and they live in castle. Fire fairy is the fairy
who handles with fire. Don’t try to test their temper
because they will get angry easily. Ice fairy creates ice.
They are very gentle and kind. Melody fairy are the fairies
who give harmony to our land with their music. Last but
not least the moon fairy is the fairy who controls the
moons in Pluto. The name of the moons in Pluto are
Charon, Nix, Kerberos, Hydra, Styx” the fairy explained
about the interesting information’s about her land.

“All of the fairies’ powers are great” Steve said.

“Thank you for telling about our land. Your land is
interesting and amazing” Laila told to the fairy.

After a half an hour of walk, they reached the Alien land.
The land was filled with different kind of aliens. The land
was not like the fairies’ land. It was creepy and scary.

“Whoah.This sure need to be called as an alien land” said

They went towards the aliens. They got the attention of the

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