Mystery of the black hole mine

(Shobhanaa1234) #1

“why did the tie us up and throw us in the jail” Laila asked.

“They said that we will be locked up here forever and they
also said that they are going to destroy your planet so that
they can build their own territory there” the fairy told in

“Sorry guide fairy. We also put you in trouble and don’t
know how to get out now” said Cora.

“It was all your fault Cora. If you haven’t distracted us by
asking nonsense questions, we wouldn’t have been here.
Yuckkkkk this place is sure stinky like you” Laila rudely
interrupted her conversation.

Cora who heard what Laila said started to cry. Tears drop
from her eyes.

“It’s ok, Cora. It’s not your fault. You know right about
Laila. She talks like that to make you feel bad about
yourself and Laila stop doing this. We are a team and all
of us are in it” Issabella said.

“Yeah.Issabelle is right” Steve joined with Issabelle.

Suddenly, something glowed in the corner of their

“What is that?” asked Steve.

The fairy went and checked.

“Wow. I can’t believe it’s here” the fairy said.

“what is here” Steve and Issabelle asked at the same time.

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