Mystery of the black hole mine

(Shobhanaa1234) #1

“It’s the golidilian” the fairy said.

“what’s a golidilian,” Cora asked.

“Golidilian is a gold power that only appears to help those
who are good hearted. This Golidilian now wants to help
you all from your troubles. But remember, it only can be
used for 10 minutes. You just need to hold it and think
about what you want to do and what you want.” The fairy

“Each of you can try. Only the one with the purest heart
can win the heart of the Goldilian” she added.

First Issabelle tried by thinking positively but she was not
the right one. Next, Laila tried. She was more determined
to win the heart of the Goldilian. But it didn’t work for her
as well. Steve also tried but failed. Cora was the last hope
for them. If she didn’t try, they will be in the dungeon
forever. Cora tried to think something positively. A positive
thing that makes her heart happy. Cora thought about the
wonderful time she spent with her sister. She holds the
Goldilian and closed her eyes. Minutes past but it didn’t
even glow for Cora. As they were about to give up, a
powerful light shined.

“It’s working! Cora you did it,” Issabelle said.

Suddenly, Cora transformed into a beautiful angel.

Steve turned to the guide fairy and asked “What must we
do now, Fairy?”

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