Mystery of the black hole mine

(Shobhanaa1234) #1

Both of them ran in search of their rocket. Cora hoped that
her friends are good there.

“What do we do now Steve. Laila is gone. What do we
need to tell to Cora,” Issabelle asked.

“Calm down Issabelle. We will find her sooner or later”said
Steve in a gloomy voice. As for their surprise they saw the
rocket in a far distance. They rushed to the rocket as if

they saw a mansion. They almost broke the world

record. When they reached the rocket, Steve right away
started handling the rocket! Suddenly........................

CHAPTER 7 : Plan

they heard someone approaching them.TAK.... TAK

.... TAK.” EEEEEEEEEEK” Issabelle and Steve were
ALARMED. “Hey guys” they heard a voice. When
Issabelle and Steve turned around it was none other than
the guide fairy and Cora! Issabelle and Steve released a
big sigh of relief.

“OMG. You guys scared me” Issabelle said.

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