Mystery of the black hole mine

(Shobhanaa1234) #1

The guide fairy translated what she said. The aliens
thought for a minute and replied to the them by telling that
if they feel that the treasure is valuable, they will release
Laila and if they didn’t feel like that, they will capture them.

Issabelle bravely gave the treasure box to the aliens. The
aliens opened the box. A powerful ray of light shone from
the box. There was a pin drop silence for a minute. The
aliens spoke out. The guide fairy translated it with a great

“The aliens told that they were mesmerized by the beauty
of the treasure. They are thanking for this gift. They are
asking how could they repay for this” she said.

“Well then. Ask them to release Laila and let us go with
the bomb” Cora told the fairy told.

The aliens told ok and released Laila. Before they set their
journey to the black hole the aliens gave them food to eat
on their journey.

CHAPTER 8: Leaving Pluto

“At last. We are safe. I thought we will never be able to
escape from the alien” Issabelle said feeling exhausted.

Laila who was there approached Issabelle and Cora.

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