Mystery of the black hole mine

(Shobhanaa1234) #1

inside was floating. First it was bit tough for Cora to get up
from her seat but she managed to get up.

Their location will take some days. Issabelle was curious
to see how the black hole looks like because she read
more about it when she was young and dreamed of seeing
it in life. Isn’t she a fearless girl? At the meantime Cora
was a bit anxious about the whole thing.

“What if we didn’t get home? what if the rocket is not
strong? what if something happens to earth” .... She
asked herself scared. Cora squeezed Issabelle’s hand and
said everything will be perfectly fine. We need to have
faith in ourselves. The whole world is counting on us. We
can do it!” She said.

Suddenly, there was a big rock heading towards the
rocket. They don’t know what to do. Steve who was
controlling the rocket tried to move as fast as he could.
Luckily they ended up not hitting the rock. The more near
they came to their first destination which was Pluto, the
more scared they became. But they were determined to
finish their mission.

“So as per legend we need to find a guide fairy in Pluto
and ask her for help to find the Aliens. Then we need to
take the bomb from them in exchange of a precious
treasure right?” asked Issabella.

“Yes. That’s what the chief said,” Steve answered while
handling the rocket.

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