Seven naslovi

(Ann) #1

  1. Meat from large game animals is almost always more valued
    than other foods. Hunting large game is almost always an
    entirely male activity.

  2. Men do not participate in the care and raising of infants. They
    may care for children but not for babies,

  3. There is limited female representation in the culture's sacred
    symbols, especially in its creation myths.

Sanday found that the cultures in which these factors were the
most extreme were also the most male dominant. And when these
factors moved in the opposite direction, the culture also shifted to an
egalitarian mode where men and women shared power. I believe you
can see such a change happening in our culture today.


  1. Food is plentiful, and environmental conditions are not very
    harsh. Enforced laws keep the bulk of people feeling relatively

  2. Men are no longer the sole breadwinners or "hunters" for food.

  3. Many men now want to participate in the care and raising of
    There has been an explosion in the number of men who attend
    childbirth classes with their wives, are present at the birth of
    their children, and share in the diapering, feeding, and bathing
    of their babies. Go to the park on Sunday, and you're likely to see
    young fathers carrying Snuglis and pushing strollers. Many
    women feel that men still don't do enough ca retaking of the
    very young, but it's clear there's been a shift in attitude.

  4. There is an increasingly strong female representation in our
    culture's sacred symbols. Catholicism has seen an important
    growth in worship involving Mary, the mother of Christ. Not
    only has worship increasingly involved Mary, but her role has
    shifted dramatically from being the passive recipient of the Holy
    Spirit to being a woman who bravely and actively chooses to
    accept the role of mother in her encounter with the angel Gabriel

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