Seven naslovi

(Ann) #1

  1. Holiday meals (like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Passover) are very special
    and happy times for us (or we both hate them). T F

  2. End-of-the-day reunions in our home are generally special times. T F

  3. We see eye to eye about the role of TV in our home. T F

  4. Bedtimes are generally good times for being close. T F

  5. During the weekends we do a lot of things together that we enjoy and
    value. T F

  6. We have the same values about entertaining in our home (having
    friends over, parties, and so on). T F

  7. We both value, or both dislike, special celebrations (like birthdays,
    anniversaries, family reunions). T F

  8. When I become sick, I feel taken care of and loved by my spouse, T F

  9. I really look forward to and enjoy our vacations and the travel we do
    together. T F

  10. Spending our morning time together is special to us. T F

  11. When we do errands together, we generally have a good time, T F

  12. We have ways of becoming renewed and refreshed when we are
    burned out or fatigued. T F

Scoring: Give yourself one point for each "true" answer. If you score below
three, your marriage could stand some improvement in this area. Be
sure to work together on Exercise 3, which follows this questionnaire

Your roles

  1. We share many similar values in our roles as husband and wife, TF

  2. We share many similar values in our roles as mother and father. T F

  3. We have many similar views about what it means to be a good friend
    to others. T F

  4. My partner and I have compatible views about the role of work in one's
    life, T F

  5. My partner and have similar philosophies about balancing work and
    family life, T F

  6. My partner supports what would see as my basic mission in my life.
    T F

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