Shepherding a Child's Heart

(Barré) #1

parent’s prayer provides instruction and insight for the child. I am not
suggesting that you pray for the child’s consumption, but that you
recognize that hearing your prayer will communicate your faith in
God to your child.


(^) This is the point: Your communication with your children will
take many forms. The subtle and rich nuances of each of the forms of
communication outlined above must be reflected in your
communication with your children.
(^) Each of the elements of this suggestive (by no means exhaustive)
list will be interwoven with the others to provide a rich tapestry of
(^) For example, you may entreat in a way that warns or in a way that
encourages. Or you may instruct in a manner that rebukes or in a
manner that corrects. The elements of communication may be woven
together in many ways.
Application Questions for Chapter 9
(^) 1. What proportion of your communication is restricted to the
top block of figure 5?
(^) 2. When you find problems at home, do you expect to solve
them with a new set of rules and punishments, or with richer forms of
(^) 3. Outline how you would talk to your teen who seemed to have
stolen some money from you but would not admit it.
(^) 4. What are the “quality of relationship” issues that must be in
place if you are going to be able to entreat your child in winsome
(^) 5. How would you encourage your child who had failed
miserably but seemed genuinely to desire God’s help?
(^) 6. Of the nine types of communication mentioned in this

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